frequently asked questions.



You might be wondering about…

  • Yes, but you will need to book their tickets under one reservation. If you're not quite sure who your teammates are yet, you can register a John Doe or simply repeat your own information for all unknown team members. Then you'll need to contact us with their information prior to the event.

  • There’s a 24 hour time cap on this event… your training and experience will determine how much of that you use or how far you get. Check out our record board to see what previous athletes have accomplished.

  • There’s a 24-hour cap on this event. All remaining teams and individuals will cease progress and the event will be terminated at this time. Participants may end their race at any time for any reason.

  • We aim to make this event as accessible as possible to a broad spectrum of people - weekend warriors and ultra athletes alike! No matter where your fitness and endurance is at, however, you will be challenged and encouraged to push outside of your comfort zone and overcome your perception of what is possible. So…yes! It is for you, too.

  • If you’re a weekend warrior and hobby sports person, we recommend the Adventure Team - you’ll be able to split distance and modalities in any way that you want. You’ll want to plan ahead with your team to each persons strengths and weaknesses and be ready to carry each other through at the event when circumstances change! Ultra-athletes and super-marathon types will take on the entire challenge solo and should sign up as an Individual. None of that sound up your alley? Register as a volunteer!

  • Oops! Something went wrong. Check your spam folders first and make sure that we are on your “safe list.” If you don’t find anything there, please send us an email at so that we can make sure to get you caught up on the details you need.

  • An Adventure Team may “divide and conquer” the course in any manner, as long as they follow the sequence of swim, run, paddle, bike (1/2), carry and bike (2/2). At least one member of the team must be along the course at any one time and may switch off with any member at any time, as long as it is safe and legal to do so (no trespassing onto private property, may not stop the flow of traffic, etc.). Adventure Teams also have the option to have more than one athlete on the course at a time, such as the use of a two-person kayak. In such cases and with the exception of the paddle section, no more than 50% of any section may be done in tandem by any two (2) same team members.

  • The swim is a little over 2 miles, the run is 16 miles, the paddle is approximately 12 miles, the carry is 10 miles and the bike is a total of 95 miles divided into two sections.

  • If you want to do it “our way,” the sandbag weighs 45lbs. We will have your sandbag stationed at the starting point and if you need to, you can decrease the weight of your bag to what is right for you.

  • Technically, yes - anything with a paddle counts. But we highly recommend against it and there is a possibility that our safety team will deny you entry if they deem the condition unsafe for a SUP on event day.

  • The fact is that the ocean is full of them… but it’s highly unlikely that you’re going to encounter one. If this is really a concern for you, a quick internet search can show you some statistical data on the infrequency of shark attacks and the enlightening comparison of scenarios that are far more likely to happen to you in your lifetime, like accidental poisoning or death by champagne cork. Yes, really. Finally, there are some shark deterrent technologies that you could research if it brings you comfort in the water.

  • All individuals and at least one member of any team must be present at athlete check-in and briefing on Friday, August 2, 2024 in Kailua, Oahu (time TBD) - this is mandatory, no exceptions. The event will be terminated at sunrise (6:05am) on Sunday, August 4, 2022, but we encourage you to stay around and connect with the community for our award ceremony later that afternoon. Volunteer schedules may differ according to assignment, but will also include a mandatory briefing on the evening of Thursday, August 1.

  • We have one main airport here on Oahu. You’ll be flying into the Daniel K. Inouye airport in Honolulu, Oahu.

  • Except for where an exception is needed for a limb difference or similar unique circumstance, the carry will be performed without any straps or assistance. That may be positioned in front of the body, on the shoulder, or any other creative methods that don’t include the use of a backpack or anything similar.

  • No problem… if you sign up with a team, you don’t necessarily have to. You can help out somewhere else!

  • Not much - most of this route is flat. There’s approximately 1800’ elevation gain accumulated across the entire route of the Oahu Pentathlon, of which 1500ft. of it is on the final bike route.

  • A comprehensive list will be sent to you after you register. Remember that this is a self-supported event, meaning that you, your team and/or your support coordinator will be responsible for the acquisition and transport of gear and persons between stations, as well as preparation and carriage of meals, snacks and hydration between staging locations. We will provide and station your sandbag at the needed location as well as snacks and hydration at transition points.

  • Thanks for asking - yes, please! This event truly takes a village and we could use your help. Whether it’s on the safety team, setup/cleanup crew or registration and station tables, we will surely be able to find a place for you. You can register as a volunteer or email us at

  • Great! We’d be happy to help. Send an email to and we’ll respond to you as soon as we can.